We’re educating you today in the hopes that you will lead tomorrow's innovation
-Steve Lapinski, CIO of NBC Universal Film & West Coast TV
Thank You NBC Universal Comcast!
Due to the generous support of NBC Universal Comcast Double X has continued to grow and improve as a team. With the aid of NBC Universal Comcast's engineering staff, coding staff, and managing staff we were able to mature as a team and streamline our robot creation process. With patience, long hours, and tireless support from our NBC Universal Comcast mentors Double X was able to improve from second to last in the New York Regional in 2014 to Semifinalists in 2015. Without NBC Universal Comcast's dedication to the advancement of women in STEM Double X would have never been able to make this progress. The whole Double X team will always be grateful to NBC Universal Comcast and to the 12 employees who have worked with us over the last few seasons. We look forward to working with NBC Universal Comcast for years to come.
Due to the generous support of NBC Universal Comcast Double X has continued to grow and improve as a team. With the aid of NBC Universal Comcast's engineering staff, coding staff, and managing staff we were able to mature as a team and streamline our robot creation process. With patience, long hours, and tireless support from our NBC Universal Comcast mentors Double X was able to improve from second to last in the New York Regional in 2014 to Semifinalists in 2015. Without NBC Universal Comcast's dedication to the advancement of women in STEM Double X would have never been able to make this progress. The whole Double X team will always be grateful to NBC Universal Comcast and to the 12 employees who have worked with us over the last few seasons. We look forward to working with NBC Universal Comcast for years to come.